Whether you’re an English learner or simply need to see some examples with the word/term “will”, you will find this post very useful and entertaining as it contains examples only from popular Fantasy and Sci-Fi books! Examples of Sentences with “Will” from Popular Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books

To make it easier for you, I’ve highlighted the word “will”, and should you come across an example that stirs your curiosity to read more, fear not. Each example with “will” is followed by the name of the author and the book. So let’s dive in!

Sentences with “Will” – Part I

If he works for long enough he might even be able to get inside the artist’s head, figure out what makes him tick, how he does what he does. And when that happens then he’ll understand, finally, and then the canvas will be wiped clean, ready for something new.
~ Adam Christopher – Hang Wire

“Right,” said Bob. “Feedback. So someone needs to watch these two. They’re OK, but they’ve shared a connection to the power. I don’t know what will happen at the circus. There might be feedback, or it might be able to reach out and take them over again. If that happens, I need Tangun here. He’s the only one powerful enough to look after them.”
~ Adam Christopher – Hang Wire

Benny nodded. “Go. Tangun will stay here. So will I.”
~ Adam Christopher – Hang Wire

‘In good time. Such things are not to be taken lightly.’ And then he relaxed again and smiled. ‘Come, coffee? Or beer maybe? Beer I think.’
‘It’s early.’ Pieter grinned at him. ‘Beer will be best. Trust me in this matter.’
~ Adam Nevill – Last Days

‘Let me look at the leg. Please – take off this diving suit. It is so tattered and ripped it will fall apart soon, anyway.’
~ Adam Roberts – Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea

‘There is always war,’ said Dakkar, coldly. ‘There will always be war, whilst empires oppress and distort human potential.’
~ Adam Roberts – Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea

When your metallic vessel arrives, I will compel the occupants to accept the rightness of your actions, said the Jewel.
~ Adam Roberts – Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea

Sentences with “Will” – Part II

‘I am a prisoner here, sir,’ he said. ‘It’s true that my wealth affords me certain luxuries and allows me to pursue my interests, but walls are walls. I will remain here until the emperor decrees otherwise, while you are free to leave the city whenever you choose.’
~ Alan Campbell – Sea of Ghosts

If this little desktop machine is maintained indefinitely, then the marble should – one day – refuse to fall. And yet I don’t instinctively feel that that will happen.
~ Alan Campbell – Sea of Ghosts

I propose to set you up, Mr Creedy. I will outfit you with a ship of your own, a crew and a generous salary. You will also have a captain’s lay of any saleable trove you find – which is one-fifteenth – on the condition that you return any locked containers to me unopened.
~ Alan Campbell – Sea of Ghosts

So at first the rough plan was, we hold tight until Harrow arrives in Manhattan, when we know he’ll be here, he’ll be tapped out, and he’ll be walking among the living. Grace told me that on his New York trips, he likes to meet with his top donors, the ones he calls the Deacons’ Circle, show them a little Christian love. Then, of course, there’s the Crusade itself, with Harrow preaching in public to an overflow crowd. Yes, there will be a hundred bodyguards and twenty thousand witnesses.
~ Adam Sternbergh – Shovel Ready

As she poured the tea, Victoria said, ‘I hope you will forgive us for requesting a progress report at such an early stage in your investigation, Mr Blackwood, but as I am sure you will understand, the present circumstances are as delicate as they are tragic.’
~ Alan K. Baker – The Martian Ambassador

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Sentences with “Will” – Part III

Return to your garden or I will have no choice but to stop you.
~ Alan Campbell – Art of Hunting

“She will meet you by the Scorched Willow, in one hour,” said Juranda, his best friend, grinning and patting him on the back.
~ Andy Remic – The Iron Wolves

I will walk where I will, for none shall dare take my life, not god, thief nor beggar!
~ Andy Remic – The Iron Wolves

“When will the broth be ready? It smells fabulous,” said Dek.
~ Andy Remic – The Iron Wolves

“I’m sure the constables will find those responsible and bring them to justice,” Waxillium said with some difficulty.
~ Brandon Sanderson – [Mistborn 04] – The Alloy of Law

Adamat patted his pockets. “I seem to have left my own checks at home. I only have my employers’. I will not be able to make a payment today.”
~ Brian McClellan – [Powder Mage 02] – The Crimson Campaign

“If you don’t get dressed,” Faye said, “Vetas will take out his anger on you or the boy. Maybe both.”
~ Brian McClellan – [Powder Mage 02] – The Crimson Campaign

Will you be attending the Greater Exhibition, Mr Blackwood?’ asked Sophia, who seemed to have recomposed herself.
~ Alan K. Baker – [Blackwood & Harrington 01] – The Martian Ambassador

Sentences with “Will” – Part IV (will as a noun)

Evelina shrugged. “Or perhaps he could change at will. A shape-shifter.”
~ Emma Jane Holloway – A Study in Ashes

She could smash him at will.
~ Robin Hobb – Ship of Destiny

They survived because they had the discipline and the will.
~ Brian McClellan – [Powder Mage 02] – The Crimson Campaign

The archer nodded. ‘This entity can manipulate entropy at will,’ he said. ‘This storm is its voice. The men whom it killed have become its teeth. And when it bares them, it will be to strike terror into your hearts. Do not let it, or the beast upon which it rides, touch you. Doing so would condemn yourself to an eternity of unimaginable horrors.’ (The second will in this example of sentence with will is modal)
~ Alan Campbell – Art of Hunting

Tamas could feel consciousness slipping, and with it the will to control the force of the explosion.
~ Brian McClellan – [Powder Mage 02] – The Crimson Campaign

This entity would need to possess both Good and Evil inside themselves, so that they would not judge one side with more ill will than the other.
~ Amber Benson – Cat’s Claw

Because the “old” Death has to abdicate his/her position of his/ her own free will before any of these “special” individuals get called in for a job interview, the chances of learning the truth about oneself get even slimmer.
~ Amber Benson – Cat’s Claw

They’re too beaten down—they don’t have the will or the hope to resist.
~ Brandon Sanderson – [Mistborn 01-03] – Mistborn Trilogy

By God… by the will of Allah… if the universe has any soul, it is the soul of irony.
~ Dan Simmons – Hyperion Cantos Complete

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