How to read a beautiful fantasy story without ever risking paying too much?

Author: Sandra Lineliz First, nice to meet you! You’re lucky that you’re seeing this article. Congrats! So your question is how to read a beautiful fantasy story without ever risking paying too much? Good. This is where you should be. Now, keep reading because I’ll tell you the answer, what you’re seeking deep down in […]
How to read a fantasy book without ever risking getting bored?

Author: Sandra Lineliz So let me guess… You probably are in this situation: many books, you think they are boring, you then think why should you read them, you look on amazon, and then close it. The end. Getting bored is just a problem of mindset. It’s not that the story has to be exciting, […]
How to actually reduce depression without ever risking taking antidepressants?

Author: Sandra Lineliz Have you considered reading something fun and magical, fantasy-related stories? No, no, no. Don’t try to argue here. Depression starts with your mind, the negative thoughts. It’s nothing complicated. We complicate it by overthinking our life problems. But what if I say to you that just taking a break from your world […]